Our Story
A few years back, in 2017, we had a health store owner approach us, asking if we had ever thought about starting up a homeopathic range…
We both had experience working in health stores and were in our own private practices, so we knew that there was a great need for professionally formulated & carefully selected over-the-counter homeopathic remedies. People needed access to quick & effective relief for ailments that we were seeing often, remedies that they could use in their own homes, without having to spend too much time deciding on the best suited remedy or worrying about the side effects. And most importantly, the ability to start treatment at the very beginning of an illness, before symptoms got too bad and so we put our heads together, combined our skills, knowledge & passions, and created a new homeopathic range, called Keynote Remedies.
We decided on the name KEYNOTE, as each homeopathic remedy has its own set of ‘keynote symptoms’ which help us to decide which remedies are most suited to treat specific conditions & symptoms. You will find that we refer to the Keynote symptoms of remedies in our Keynote guides, found within our different kits available. These keynotes help you to choose the best selected remedy for your ailments.
The range began with only a few powerful complexes, but as people have shared their amazing results & love for the range, we decided to expand, with more combination remedies as well as our first aid kits, and now our comprehensive home prescribing kits.
Both being moms, we know the importance of having these remedies on hand at all hours of the day & night, and how essential it is to have remedies that are easy to select (especially when needed in the middle of the night with a sleep deprived or upset child). Not having to give remedy selection too much thought, and having faith that the most important remedies are covered and can help support you and your family at the very get go. Our very own Keynote complexes have been used extensively in both our households, and we are so grateful to have them for our families.
We each studied 7 years to become homeopathic doctors, we are privileged that our training is world class here in South Africa, covering 3 years of intensive pre-med & in-depth classical & clinical homeopathy over the 5 years of course work, followed by research & clinic hours. We are members of Allied Health (AHPCSA) and the Homeopathic Association of SA (HSA).
We constantly collaborate & keep up to date with the latest research, what is happening in the homeopathic world, as well the latest in naturopathy, herbal & functional medicine, in order to offer the absolute best to our patients & customers.
We know the power of homeopathic remedies, we have seen the results in our patients, in our families and in ourselves.
We want to share this beautiful natural medicine with you, to help you heal gently, safely and deeply. We want to empower you on your healing journey, trusting your body’s ability to heal naturally, protecting your children & families by choosing the safest of medicines.
Naturally yours
Dr Tracey & Dr Elaine