Why you could be struggling with a chronic cough

Homeopathy is great at addressing chronic symptoms where you say, “i have never been well since….”. This can include never been well since getting flu, never been well since going on holiday, never been well since a surgery etc. The chronic cough is one we see often in practice and can have many causes or triggers with the most common being a post nasal drip. It is important to ascertain…

Healing With Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the longest established CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) to have arisen in Europe. It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who grew up in Meissen in Germany and received his medical degree in Erlangen in 1779. The basic principles of homoeopathic medicine are, “similia similibus curentur”, “experimenta in homine sano”, “doses minimae” and “unitas remedii”. A remedy which provokes a similar picture of effects in healthy persons is…