What is a ‘complex’?

A complex is a combination remedy, made up of 2 or more single remedies in one dose.

What is a ”simplex”

A simplex is a single homeopathic remedy.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that was developed at the end of the 17th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. Homeopathy believes that using extremely minute diluted amounts of natural substances (e.g plants, minerals..) can help the body repair itself by promoting healing.
It is based on the principles of nature:
1. Law of similars, known as ‘like cures like’, what a substance can cause in a healthy person, it can treat in disease e.g. using coffee remedy to treat insomnia.
2. law of infinitesimal dose, where the more dilute the medicine, the greater it is in potency, thus making homeopathy the safest form of medicine.

Are the remedies safe for children?

Yes, homeopathic remedies are safe from birth on wards, when used as directed
Homeopathy is safe for all ages & times of life, including pregnancy & breastfeeding, although during these times, it is advisable to consult with a qualified homeopath.

How should I store my remedies?

Homeopathic medicines are sensitive to extreme heat, so keep out of direct sunlight, and to strong smells, especially camphor. Because Homeopathic remedies are energetic in nature, they need to be stored away from radiation, e.g cellphones & microwaves..

How does Homeopathy work?

Homeopathy is a form of nanomedicine, where the original substance is diluted to such an extent that there is ‘seemingly’ no physical trace of it left, however there are nano particles present in even the highest dilutions/potencies. The process of trituration & potentisation is very similar to the modern methods of grinding & milling used to produce nano particles. It has long been believed that through this method of dilution & succussion, a very important & unique method of remedy preparation, that the energetic code of the substance is imparted on the water, this is known as ‘the memory of water’, where the water molecules rearrange to resemble the molecules originally diluted. When ingested, this energetic frequency resonates with our own inner vital force/energy (every living thing is made up of energy), thus stimulating our own body’s healing capacity. This nano-particle nature of homeopathic remedies has a direct effect on individual gene expression, an exciting new filed to delve into called ‘homeo-genomics’.

Does the form of the remedy mat

No, there are different ways to administer remedies, depending on your own personal preference. We offer our remedies in the most convenient forms for quick & easy administration. Whether a remedy is taken in a liquid form, or through pillules or granules, the absorption & effect is equal. We have chosen to use water without added alcohol, and sucrose pillules rather than lactose, so that this does not exclude any person from using the remedies e.g. religion, lactose intolerance, vegan etc.