Birthing Bundle
Having a baby soon or know someone special who is?
Our Birthing Bundle consists of three Homeopathic complexes to support Mom through the physical and emotional healing, as well as support breastfeeding.
Complex 1: Breastfeeding support
Keynote symptoms : Fever with heat & redness, breast hard, red & painful to slightest touch or movement, clogged ducts, engorgement of breasts, over/ under production of milk, anxiety, cracked ulcerated nipples, shooting pains with nursing.
Ingredients: Belladonna 30c, Bryonia 30c, Ferrum phos 30c, Graphites 30c, Phytolacca 30c, Ricinus 30c, Silicea 30c, Urtica urens 30c
Directions for use: Take 3 sprays under the tongue three times daily. May be taken 2 hourly in acute cases. Take at least 15 minutes away from eating, drinking or brushing teeth.
Complex 1: Emotional support
Keynote symptoms : Nervousness, anxiety, after sudden shock, anxiety at night, restlessness, sensation of a lump in the throat, want to cry but cannot or may be very weepy.
Ingredients: Ignatia 200c, Nat mur 30c, Aconite 30c, Passiflora 30c, Gelsemium 30c, Argentum nit. 30c, Pulsatilla p. 30c, Sepia 30c, Nux vom 30c, Kali Phos 6x
Directions for use: Take 3 sprays under the tongue three times daily. May be taken 2 hourly in acute cases. Take at least 15 minutes away from eating, drinking or brushing teeth.
Complex 3: Injury Recovery
Keynote symptoms: Bruising, fractures, sprains, strains, neuritis, nerve pain, crushed fingers, pain & swelling after surgery, extreme pain after injury. Helpful for recovery after child birth
Ingredients: Arnica 30c, Bryonia 9c, Ruta 9c, Symphytum 9c, Hypericum 9c, Calendula 9c, Mag Phos 6x, Bellis p. 9c, Rhus tox 9c, nat sulph 30c
Directions for use: Take 3 sprays under the tongue three times daily. May be taken 2 hourly in acute cases. Take at least 15 minutes away from eating, drinking or brushing teeth.
*These products are prepared in accordance with Homeopathic Principles. This unregistered medicine has not yet been evaluated by SAHPRA for the quality, safety and intended use*
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