Keynote Simplex (Single Remedy) Pillules 10ml
Homeopathic remedies can be combined in a complex (more than one remedy together) or used on their own as a simplex (single remedy).
We have a comprehensive range of Homeopathic Complexes on offer here, otherwise various Homeopathic Simplexes are available for your home dispensary as well.
Simplex remedies are dispensed in 10ml glass vials containing sucrose pillules.
If there is a specific remedy you are looking for, which are not on available on this drop-down list, please contact us
You can make use of the Remedy Finder Tool here where you can enter in a symptom and see which remedies are indicated.
Additional information
Remedy Selection | Aconite 30c, Ant tart 30c, Apis 30c, Arnica 30c, Ars alb 30c, Belladonna 30c, Bryonia 30c, Calc carb 30c, Calendula 6c, Cantharis 30c, Chamomilla 30c, Cina 6C, Colocynthis 30c, Carbo veg 30c, Drosera 30c, Eupatorium 30c, Euphrasia 30c, Ferrum phos 30c, Gelsemium 30c, Hypericum 30c, Hepar sulph 30c, Hydrastis 6c, Ignatia 200c Ipecac 30c, Kali bich 30c, Lycopodium 30c, Ledum 6c, Merc sol 30c, Mixed allergen/ Histamine D200, Nat mur 30c, Nux vom 30c, Phosphorus 200c, Phos ac 30c, Phytolacca 30c, Podophyllum 30c, Pulsatilla 30c, Rhus tox 30c, Sepia 200c, Silica 30c, Spongia 30c, Sulphur 6c, Thuja 30c, Tub bov 200c |
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