Respiratory Support




Keynote symptoms:  Coughs in cold, damp weather, change in season, wet & dry coughs, spasmodic/ rattling & loose/ dry & hoarse, effort to bring up phlegm, croupy dry barky cough, asthmatic cough, burning in chest, asthma in damp weather & asthma in children.

Ingredients (New updated formulation): Pulsatilla 9c, Drosera 9c, Bryonia 9c, Ferrum phos 9c, Spongia 30c, Ant tart 9c, Nat sulph 9c, Kali mur 6x, Ipecac 9c, Coccus cacti 9c, Phosphorus 9c, hepar sulph 9c, Cuprum 9c

Directions for use: Take 3 sprays under the tongue three times daily. May be taken 2 hourly in acute cases. Take at least 15 minutes away from eating, drinking or brushing teeth.

*This product is prepared in accordance with Homeopathic Principles. This unregistered medicine has not yet been evaluated by SAHPRA for the quality, safety and intended use*


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